A snapshot of the DebugJet JTAG Tester application is shown below: This is helpful when testing a new JEDEC file or during a development process.

This applications is capable of programming CPLD/FPGA devices but the user has to enter the commands manually. DebugJet also comes with an application called DebugJet JTAG Tester. This method is simple since the user has to write the command file once and then execute it via the target server application. The first is by using a macro command file with DebugJet target server application to specify the jedec file and the functions to be executed on the programmable logic device. There are two ways to program a CPLD/FPGA device using DebugJet JTAG interface. The device can also execute several programming functions on multiple devices from different manufacturer connected in series to a single JTAG port using a single macro command file. DebugJet JTAG Emulator can execute most common functions such as program, erase, verify and test CPLD/FPGA devices. With the increasing popularity of JTAG enabled CPLD and FPGA devices, DebugJet has a built-in software algorithm to support the leading CPLD/FPGA manufacturers worldwide such as Actel, Altera, Lattice Semiconductors and Xilinx. Products : DebugJet : FPGA and CPLD JTAG Programming Software FPGA and CPLD Programming