Hence, it is concluded that Short Grit Scale is valid and reliable to be tested on Indonesian millennial. While the composite reliability set was 0.82. Background: Grit refers to determination to achieve long term goals of life despite of unfavorable and unavoidable circumstances. Moreover, Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) was also proven to be valid and reliable with 2 = 20.97 probability value = 0.138 RMSEA = 0.045 CFI = 0.972 GFI = 0.976 and AGFI = 0.941. Structural Moment (AMOS) and proved to be valid. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed using Analysis of Using 200 millennial in Surabaya, Indonesia, as research subjects, this research was conducted between April and July 2019. Grit Scale has proven to be valid when it tested on military cadets in the USA however, in order to obtain more validity, it needs to be tested again in Indonesia. It is also developed to optimize employees’ performance in some corporations hence, it also encompasses the study of industrial and organizational psychology and includes some dimensions of perseverance and passion.

As commonly known, Grit performs as a research variable in the field of personality psychology, and educational psychology. Both studies demonstrated high internal consistency.This study aims to test the validity and reliability of Grit as a measuring device which was initially developed by Duckworth and Quinn (2009). Although the Grit-S demonstrated adequate psychometric strength in validation studies ( Duckworth et al., 2007 Duckworth & Quinn, 2009 ), the measure recently demonstrated minimally acceptable evidence of internal consistency reliability among adolescents (e.g., Datu et al., 2016 Guerrero et al., 2016 Oriol et al., 2017 West et al., 2016 ). Confirmatory factor analyses on the married sample showed that the bi-factor model provided evidence for the multidimensional nature of the scale. Exploratory factor analyses revealed that relationship quality had a two-factor structure and that there was also a negative relationship between the factors. Nonetheless, grit demonstrated predictive validity of longitudinal persistence and success measures over conscientiousness, self-control, and intellectual. Consisting of two subscales, Consistency of Interests (CI) and Perseverance of Effort (PE), this scale has been repeatedly demonstrated to have high reliability and validity. Study 2 was performed online with 513 married adults (359 females, 149 males, and 5 unknown) confirmatory findings and criterion validity studies were added. The Grit scale is a popular measure of achievement-striving behavior. The first was carried out with emerging adults (university students) who were in a romantic relationship (148 females, 43 males, and 2 unkown) and had the main purpose to examine the structure validity of the measurement tool in the Turkish sample with an exploratory analysis. In order to determine the validity and reliability of the scale, two studies were performed. The present study investigates the reliability and validity of the Positive-Negative Relationship Quality (PN-RQ) scale in Turkey.